Imagine yourself in the light bulb aisle. You hold your old bulb in your hand. Your knowledge of light bulbs is limited. You pace back and forth trying to understand exactly what the different labels mean, frustrated and confused about why something as easy as picking out a light bulb has become so difficult.
Though you probably never heard of it, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 changed the way light bulbs are presented to costumers in the aisle.
Store Brands recently interviewed Lextant CEO Chris Rockwell about the opportunities that retailers have to minimize confusion and promote private labels in the light bulb aisle. Lextant helped Lowe’s do just this by understanding exactly what the customer needed in order to get the most out of their shopping experience. Lextant was able to identify that customers focus on shape when trying to replace old bulbs and built an experience around this finding, complete with color coding and signage that people now could understand.
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